
Welcome to my portfolio! I love creating tools that make programming more fun and enjoyable.

About Me,

My name is Jorge Jimenez and I hail from the beautiful city of Aguascalientes, Mexico.

As a highly self-motivated, organized, and passionate programmer, I have a true love for coding and its ability to bring my creative problem-solving skills to life.

I am a continuous learner, always seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my knowledge and hone my craft as a software developer. Currently, I am on the lookout for a dynamic and growth-oriented software development role where I can bring my enthusiasm and expertise to the table.


Check out some of my projects below.


I created a dynamic and user-friendly online marketplace, similar to OfferUp and Varagesale. With JWT authentication, users can effortlessly post, manage, and sell their products with ease. The platform is built with cutting-edge technologies such as Angular, Node, Express, and MongoDB, ensuring a seamless and scalable user experience. The application is also deployed on Render.

Matching Game

I developed an engaging and interactive multiplayer matching game that allows players to compete against each other in real-time. Whether playing on separate browsers or devices, players can jump into a random game or create a private one with a unique link. The game is powered by cutting-edge technologies including React, Phaser, Node, Express, and Socket.io, providing a fast and responsive gaming experience.

Marketplace API

I built a robust and secure REST API to support the Marketplace application, utilizing technologies such as Node, Express, MongooseJS, and the OpenAPI Specification. To ensure secure user authentication, I integrated JWT into the API design. Additionally, I enabled seamless image handling, allowing users to upload and store images with ease.

NES Emulator

I expertly emulated the NES's CPU and PPU using Java, incorporating mappers for classic games and passing all of Blargg's tests. My efforts required a deep dive into low-level programming, allowing me to gain invaluable insights into processor architecture.

Card Flick Effect

CardFlick is a versatile and easy-to-use JavaScript library that provides a card-swiping interface similar to Tinder. I developed this project with the goal of creating an engaging and intuitive user interface that could be easily integrated into a variety of web applications. CardFlick is built using modern web technologies like ES6 and webpack, and is designed to be flexible and customizable.